Friday, January 30, 2009

Layoff Tracker

Pls go to website for time to time update

Pink Slips

Layoff Tracker

Compiled by Klaus Kneale, 01.28.09, 07:12 PM EST

Starbucks fires 7,000, Target cuts 600 and AOL cans 700.

Number of layoffs since Nov. 1, 2008, at America's 500 largest public companies*:


Latest layoffs:

Article Controls





comments (14)


Yahoo! Buzz

Jan. 28: Boeing (nyse: BA - news - people ) increases previously announced layoffs--bringing total to 10,000 workers, or 6% of the company’s workforce.

Jan. 28: Starbucks (nasdaq: SBUX - news - people ) organizes closings at 900 stores worldwide and fires 6,700 in the process.

Jan. 28: Target (nyse: TGT - news - people ) cuts 400 open positions and 600 employees on sagging sales.

Jan. 27: Time Warner’s (nyse: TWX - news - people ) AOL reduces workforce by 10% (700 workers) as it fights declining ad revenue.

Jan. 27: Cabinet company Merillat--a subsidiary of Masco (nyse: MAS - news - people )--cuts 20% of workforce (70 workers).

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hitachi faces loss due to Renesas

EE Times
(01/15/2009 11:12 PM EST)

TOKYO, Jan 16 -- Hitachi Ltd., Japan's biggest electronics maker, now faces an annual net loss of more than $1.1 billion instead of a previously forecast profit, hurt by a sharp decline in microchip sales, sources said on Friday.

A growing number of major Japanese electronics makers are expected to suffer big losses for the year ending in March, as the global economy visibly contracts.

A source said this week that Sony Corp would likely post an annual operating loss of $1.1 billion, its first such loss in 14 years, while media and analysts say rival Toshiba Corp is also headed for a big loss.

Hitachi now eyes a net loss of more than 100 billion yen ($1.1 billion) for the year to March -- its third year of losses -- due to a large loss at Renesas Technology Corp, a chipmaking joint venture of Hitachi and Mitsubishi Electric Corp, two sources with direct knowledge of the matter said.

Renesas, the world's No.7 maker of semiconductors, is expected to book a net loss of about 200 billion yen, as usage rates halved on equipment used to make chips, said a Renesas source who declined to be named because the numbers are not yet public.

Renesas, which makes chips used in cars, TVs, cameras and hard drives, will also shoulder restructuring costs and a write-down of tax-related assets, reversing an earlier projection for a 9.5 billion yen net profit.

A spokesman at Hitachi, which owns 55 percent of Renesas, declined to comment on the report.

Hitachi, the world's No. 3 maker of hard drives, has already cut its annual net profit forecast to 15 billion yen from an initial estimate of 40 billion yen, when it reported half-year results in October.

That compares with an average forecast of a 2.3 billion yen net loss in a poll of 11 analysts by Reuters Estimates.

Hitachi, which has been restructuring its hard drive business and gaining profit in its nuclear and thermal power plants, is also suffering from halting orders for automotive equipment and sluggish sales in its flat-panel TVs and other electronics, a Hitachi source said.

Shutoku Watanabe, head of Hitachi's consumer business group, told Reuters this month that the company's annual LCD TV sales would likely be as much as 10 percent below target as consumers hold off on off big-ticket purchases.

Hitachi had already cut its LCD TV sales forecast for the year to end-March to 850,000 units from 1.2 million.

Shares of Hitachi were trading down 0.6 percent against the benchmark Nikkei average, which was up 1.5 percent. (Additional reporting by Taiga Uranaka and Ted Kerr; Editing by Chris Gallagher)

By: Mayumi Negishi and Kentaro Hamada
Copyright 2009 Reuters.

AMD cuts 900 additional jobs;jsessionid=UIHN1FSMSEUQEQSNDLSCKHA?articleID=212901009
Dylan McGrath
EE Times
(01/16/2009 1:30 PM EST)

SAN FRANCISCO — Advanced Micro Devices Inc. plans to cut an additional 900 jobs during the first quarter of 2009 as part of a series of moves designed to reduce the chip maker's workforce by about 9 percent, AMD said Friday (Jan. 16).

AMD (Sunnyvale, Calif.) will shed another 200 jobs through a combination of attrition and the previously announced divestiture of its handheld business, the company said.

AMD had two major rounds of layoffs in 2008. Late last year, AMD reduced its workforce by about 600 employees. Last July, it announced the layoff of 10 percent of its workers.

Other cost control measures announced Friday included temporarily reducing employee base pay and suspending some benefits programs. Executive chairman Hector Ruiz and CEO Dirk Meyer will be taking temporary reductions in base salary totaling 20 percent, AMD said.

AMD also said it will cut executive pay in the U.S. and Canada by 15 percent. All other North American employees ineligible for overtime will face a 10 percent salary reduction, the company added.

Outside North America, AMD said it would implement "voluntary pay reduction measures consistent with local policies and regulations."

In a statement, AMD said it had determined to take "difficult, but prudent" actions to reduce costs as the result of the continuing economic downturn.

A spokesperson for AMD said the job cuts would occur across all regions AMD operates in and span all levels of employees.

On Thursday, AMD rival Intel Corp. said its fourth quarter 2008 revenue fell to $8.2 billion, down $10.7 billion from the same period of 2007. But the shortfall was widely expected after Intel cut its guidance for the quarter twice. Despite rumors, Intel has yet to announce any large scale job cuts.

AMD is scheduled to report fourth quarter earnings next week (Jan. 22).

AMD is a distant second to Intel in the microprocessor market. The company made waves a couple of years ago by biting into the No. 1 chip vendor's market share, but has since lost surrendered the gains. AMD said in November it would not make chips for mobile internet devices and smart phones that would compete with Intel's popular Atom chip.

In a landmark move last October, AMD announced it would split into two parts, spinning off its fabs into a separate company backed by the government of Abu Dhabi.

Other large U.S. chip makers are also expected to announced job cuts in the coming days.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Why UMNO defeat in Kuala Terengganu by-election

My personal view the cause is still the same why BN defeat in 8 March 08. And BN didn't change and improve since than.....
You will not improve if you didn't improve and don't know what wrong.
Will not cure if you not able diagnose your problem.
What you think?
Pls give your comment....

Friday, January 16, 2009

Intel claims limited visibility, offers no Q1 forecast;jsessionid=RYINNH0X50YHKQSNDLSCKHA?articleID=212900824

Intel claims limited visibility, offers no Q1 forecast
Fourth quarter profit, sales tumble as economy softens

Bolaji Ojo
EE Times
(01/15/2009 5:02 PM EST)

Intel Corp. said it cannot "predict product demand" for the first quarter and has therefore declined to offer its typical revenue and profit forecast but instead will work off a temporary number that calls for a 15 percent sequential sales decline on top of the 19 percent drop from the third quarter of 2008.
The world's biggest semiconductor company is considered the bellwether for the rest of the chip market and its lackluster fourth quarter performance coupled with its unwillingness to offer guidance for the ongoing quarter indicates the industry might be headed for one of its worst recessions in decades.

Intel said fourth quarter 2008 net income fell to $234 million, or 4 cents per share, hit hard by a $1.2 billion loss on equity investments related to its interest in Clearwire Corp.

In the year-ago comparable quarter Intel posted net profit of $2.3 billion, or 38 cents per share. Revenue in the three months ended Dec. 27, 2008 sank to $8.2 billion, down 23 percent as previously predicted, from $10.7 billion in the comparable 2007 quarter.

"The economy and the industry are in the process of resetting to a new baseline from which growth will resume," said Paul Otellini, Intel's president and CEO in a statement announcing the results. "While the environment is uncertain, our fundamental business strategies are more focused than ever."

Intel will need all the weapons in its arsenal to pull through the coming recession. It's not typical, even in the most distressing market environment, for Intel to decline to offer investors and analysts a clear idea of how it expects to perform in a particular reporting period.

By refusing to provide even a wide sales forecast range this time, Intel is basically indicating demand has stalled and visibility into OEM component requirements has fogged up completely.

"Due to economic uncertainty and limited visibility, Intel is not providing a revenue outlook at this time," the company said. "For internal purposes, the company is currently planning for revenue in the vicinity of $7 billion."

What's clear is that Intel's capacity utilization has fallen very sharply and won't recover immediately. The company said first quarter gross profit margin "is expected to decline to the low 40s primarily due to higher underutilization charges and 32 nanometer start-up costs."

Intel's fourth quarter 2008 gross profit margin fell as expected to 53.1 percent, from 58.1 percent in the 2007 comparable quarter. The company whittled down R&D as well as other operating costs during the recently ended quarter continuing a trend analysts expect will accelerate in the current difficult environment.

For 2009, Intel said it expects R&D and marketing, general and administrative charges will be between $10.4 billion and $10.6 billion. Capital spending is "expected to be flat to slightly down from 2008," Intel said.

Spansion exploring sale, halts interest payments

Posted by Brooke Crothers

Spansion said Thursday that it is exploring a merger or sale, as the flash memory chip company delays interest payments on notes.
The Sunnyvale, Calif.-based company announced that it has been "exploring strategic alternatives, including, but not limited to, opportunities to merge with or sell to similar U.S. or foreign businesses."
Spansion, one of the largest flash memory suppliers, was formed by the integration of Advanced Micro Devices' and Fujitsu's flash memory operations in 2003. The company has posted a long string of losses as it has struggled to turn a profit in the fickle NOR flash memory business.
NOR flash is used in set-top boxes and cell phones but addresses a much different market than its better-known cousin, NAND flash. NOR is typically used to store and run computer code, while NAND is used for large-capacity storage, just like hard disk drives.
Spansion received a lukewarm response to its IPO in 2005.
The company said Thursday that it has engaged Barclays Capital "to assist the company in exploring these strategic alternatives," the company said.
In connection with this, Spansion has initiated discussions to begin an "organized process of potential balance sheet restructuring opportunities" and will delay making the interest payment on its outstanding 11.25 percent senior notes due 2016, which is due January 15, the company said.
Standard & Poor's Ratings Services on Thursday lowered its corporate credit rating on Spansion to "D" from "CCC" and the issue-level rating on the company's 11.25 percent senior unsecured notes due 2016 to "D" from "CC."
After a string of quarterly losses, Spansion, according to reports, is also considering Chapter 11 protection.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

全球经济不景延伸 大年2电子厂裁119人

全球经济不景延伸 大年2电子厂裁119人

二零零九年一月十四日 凌晨十二时五分



此外,他说,GREEN POINT PERCISIOUS除了在本月9日裁退99名员工外,也将在这个月杪裁退另外226名本地员工,这样一来,该公司裁退的员工高达325名。




此外,他说,另外1家裁退20名员工的厂商为FEITI METAL。






未依据劳工法令条文裁员 人力局追究3厂商








2009 CNY Marketing Survey (Sunshne, Tesco, Jusco, Carrefour, Giant)

Pls click on the link to see the spreadsheet.
Contain price comparison for Sunshine, Tesco, Jusco, Carrefour, Giant
The price is for reference only, subjected to change by the store.

Motorola To Cut 4,000 Jobs

Motorola To Cut 4,000 Jobs

The workforce reduction will take place primarily in the ailing handset division, and it comes on top of 3,000 layoffs announced late last year.
By Marin Perez
January 14, 2009 06:47 PM

Struggling Motorola (NYSE: MOT) said it would reduce its workforce by about 4,000 in a cost-savings measure.
The majority of the cuts will come from the Mobile Devices business, which has been steadily losing market share to Apple, Nokia (NYSE: NOK), Research In Motion (NSDQ: RIMM), and Samsung. The division has lost more than $2.7 billion since the start of 2007, and the cuts come in addition to the previously announced reduction of 3,000 jobs.

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The Arrival of Dual Mode Handsets
"The actions we are taking today in our Mobile Devices business will allow us to further reduce our cost structure and positions us for improved financial performance in 2009," said co-CEO Sanjay Jha in a statement. "Together with these actions and the announcements made in the fourth quarter, the Mobile Devices business expects to recognize annual cost savings of approximately $1.2 billion in 2009."
Just a few years ago, Motorola's Razr was a desirable and profitable phone, and it sold more than 110 million units. But the company hasn't brought many innovative cell phones or smartphones to market since then, and its portfolio of handsets is widely seen as stale.

The handset maker fell to fourth place in the global cell phone market last year, and most analysts and mobile phone companies are expecting the market to contract. The Mobile Devices unit became so much of a drag on the company that it was going to be spun off into a separate company.

The spin-off has been put on hold by Jha as the company tries to focus on creating consumer-friendly handsets. Motorola is making a big bet on Google (NSDQ: GOOG)'s Android operating system for a social network-centric smartphone, but that device isn't expected until the second half of 2009.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Seagate Cuts 6% of Jobs Globally, Reduces CEO Pay 25% (Update2)

By Katie Hoffmann

Jan. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Seagate Technology, the biggest maker of hard-disk drives, said it will cut 6 percent of its global workforce as profit falls in the global recession.

The company will eliminate 2,950 positions, which includes the about 800 U.S. job cuts announced this week, according to a regulatory filing today. Seagate said it will reduce its chief executive officer’s salary by 25 percent and also cut some other managers’ pay.

Profit at Seagate, which replaced its CEO two days ago, has slid for two quarters as the recession crimps personal-computer demand, causing orders for storage products to sag. Competitor Western Digital Corp. said last month it would cut 5 percent of its workforce. Seagate has higher operating costs as a percentage of revenue than Western Digital so it may have to make more cuts, said Robert W. Baird & Co. analyst Jayson Noland.

“They’re arguably less efficient,” said San Francisco- based Noland, who has a “neutral” rating on Seagate shares and doesn’t own any. “I wouldn’t be shocked to see another cut, just given the uncertainty at Seagate right now.”

Seagate estimates the job cuts will save it $130 million a year, and the lower salaries will reduce costs by $80 million.

Seagate, based in George Town, Grand Cayman, fell 30 cents, or 6.6 percent, to $4.28 at 9:52 a.m. in Nasdaq Stock Market trading. It fell 83 percent last year.

The company this week named Chairman Stephen Luczo as CEO, replacing William Watkins. The change gave Luczo back the reins of a company he ran for six years, from 1998 to 2004.

Seagate, operated from Scotts Valley, California, had 54,000 employees at the end of June.

To contact the reporter on this story: Katie Hoffmann in New York at

Gmail is more than just mail

IF YOU signed up for Google's e-mail service, you can use its Google alk network to send instant messages to people on your Gmail address book.
You may have already noticed the Chat area in the Gmail window when checking your messages on the Web.
You can write message to people in your contact list right there in the browser and even save your transcripts to your Gmail account.
Windows users can also download stand-alone Google Talk instant-message software, which lets you transfer larger files between computers, make free PC-to-PC voice calls over the Internet and even leave mail for friends on your contacts list.
Mac and Linux users have other choices as well. There is a Flash-based version of the program called the Google Talk Gadget that works on most systems.
Mac OS X users can also connect and gab with Apple's iChat instant messenger program. Google has a page devoted to getting started with Google Talk at; there's also a link to a list of other IM programs that work with the system.
Because Gllgle Talk uses the Jabber network (, your instant messagers don't go through the same network and servers used by chat sessions in the Microsoft Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! or other instant messaging services.
It is possible to chat with people on other IM networks, usually by using IM software that link the different systemsl Psi, Adium and Trillian Pro are some of these "interperable" instant-messaging programs. - New York Times Special Features

Motorola Reportedly Close To Major Restructuring

Motorola Reportedly Close To Major Restructuring

The handset division is reportedly set to lay off nearly half its workers, and the smartphone line will focus on Google's Android platform.

Motorola (NYSE: MOT) has been steadily losing market share to Apple, Nokia (NYSE: NOK), and Research In Motion (NSDQ: RIMM), and the company may be making massive cuts to its workforce to stem costs, according to a report from Phone Scoop.

"Phone Scoop has learned that Motorola's handset division is expecting a large round of layoffs as soon as this week, according to someone familiar with Motorola's plans," the site said. "The layoffs are confirmed to be significant and may amount to 50% of the entire handset operation. Motorola's set-top box, networking equipment, and enterprise device businesses would not be affected."

The company responded to press inquiries regarding the cuts, saying it does not respond to rumors. But it's no secret that the handset division has been ailing, as it has lost nearly $2.8 billion since the start of 2007. The company has previously made worker reductions and it has trimmed benefits to prepare for an economic downturn.

Motorola is still struggling to find a replacement for its massively popular Razr cell phone, which sold more than 110 million units around the world. But since that iconic device, the company is largely seen as having a stagnant portfolio of handsets. It recently brought in Sanjay Jha to help resurrect the handset division, and Jha has said the company can recover by streamlining its portfolio and producing desirable products.

"Motorola is prepared to trim the number of new phones it brings to market down to just a dozen per year, and the only smartphones it will produce will be based on Google's Android platform," the report said.

The company did not confirm this aspect of the report either, as it remained committed to its previous announcement that it would use Android for midtier devices and use Windows Mobile for high-end smartphones. Motorola's Android handset is expected to have heavy social networking integration, and Jha said it should come out in the second quarter of 2009.

ve heavysocial networking integration, and Jha said it should come out in the second quarter of 2009.

New Features Added

RSS Feed added for
InformationWeek News
at the right column.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Lorry burning near Jalan Tengah (Exclusive)

This picture is taken in front of Caltex Petrol Station. 13 Jan 2009 6PM. I believe the lorry is in fire before.

Cash in hand concern for Spansion

Loss making NOR flash memory market leader, Spansion Inc is facing growing concerns over its liquidity status with credit ratings specialist, Fitch Ratings, lowering its view on approximately US$1.3 billion of debt to a ‘negative’ outlook. Fitch noted that Spansion’s total debts were US$1.6 billion.

Rumours have circulated that the NOR flash manufacturer is considering bankruptcy and is claimed to have extended a production shutdown at its 200mm fab in Austin, Texas to preserve cash and reduce inventories.

Fitch said that it expects Spansion to post lower gross profits in 2009 that keep the company in the red, despite its aggressive cost cutting measures, highlighting the need to raise funds as well as renegotiate loan agreements.

Regarding insolvency, Fitch currently believes that creditors would be better served if Spansion went into receivership as a going concern rather than entered liquidation under a distressed scenario. However, Fitch saw the difference between the two scenarios for creditors as diminishing.

Fitch, calculates that Spansion has approximately US$152 million of cash and cash equivalents and approximately US$100 million of availability under various credit facilities at the end of the third quarter, 2008. Spansion has approximately US$125 million of debt amortization and approximately US$60 million in capital leases that would need to be paid, through the end of 2009.

Coupled to estimated cash burn and the possible downward revision to revenue as market conditions could worsen, Fitch didn’t rule out further credit rating cuts on Spansion.

The clock is ticking for Spansion

The clock is ticking for Spansion

Posted: 13 Jan 2009

Is time running out on Spansion Inc.?
Amid a string of losses, declining funds and a major economic downturn, NOR-flash leader Spansion has implemented another round of cost-cutting measures. Rumors are also running rampant that Spansion is mulling a plan to file Chapter 11 protection of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.

Regarding the possiblity of filing Chapter 11, a spokeswoman for Spansion said: ''We do not comment or speculate on rumours.''

At one time, there were other rumours about Spansion, including a report that Japan's Toshiba Corp. would acquire the company. Sources believe that Spansion and Toshiba were close to signing a deal, but the acquisition was reportedly put on the back burner.

Indeed, it's been a rough time for Spansion, the world's leading supplier of NOR flash memory. Recently, Spansion reported a loss for the third quarter of Rs.593.93 crore ($118.7 million) on revenue of Rs.3,157.30 crore ($631 million). During the third quarter, the company imposed salary reductions, cut capital spending, frooze headcount and cut research and development projects.

In November, the company became the latest semiconductor supplier to issue a warning about revenue in the current quarter, saying it expected fourth quarter net sales to be down about 20 per cent sequentially. Last month, Spansion closed its fab in Austin, Texas, for two weeks during the fourth quarter in anticipation of a weak holiday season and deteriorating macroeconomics,

Faced with an uncertain future, Spansion confirmed that it is also implementing another round of cost-cutting moves. Pay was cut 20 per cent across the board in December; hours were cut 20 per cent as well, sources said.

''Varying degrees of salary reductions were implemented as early as October 2008. Schedule changes were implemented beginning the first pay period of 2009. These actions have been implemented as part of a larger global cost cutting strategy to help better position Spansion to weather the storm during the economic downturn,'' the spokeswoman said.

Still, employees were called to tell them they were furlowed for this week without pay. Today, the furlow was extended for another 2 weeks—mandatory—without pay.

''We realise this comes at a difficult time, but Spansion has decided to extend its furlough through January across parts of the company. This decision is part of a part of a broader initiative to reduce operating expenses and help align manufacturing output with customer demand,'' the spokeswoman said.

Spansion is also telling employees it has enough product for customers to last for three weeks. As a result, manufacturing runs have halted at the firm.

''As a result of the continuing deterioration of the macroeconomic environment, which has resulted in decreased customer demand for flash memory, Spansion has decided to temporarily shutdown its manufacturing facilities for periods in January. This decision is part of a larger strategy to help align manufacturing output with customer demand,'' the spokeswoman said.

Bas Kilang/ Van Kilang ....

What happen in Jalan Tengah, Bayan Lepas 12-Jan 09 a Bas Kilang hit 6 bike and a car.... one person get kill...
This thing just waiting to happen with most of the bas kilang driver attitude, which always cut queue, think that they are king on the road.
Added polling for what your impression for Bas Kilang Driver...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Test your RAM

MEMTEST86+ ( is a free memory testing application that you cab download and use to put your computer's RAM through a thorough test.
Download one of the pre-compiled bootable packages and copy or burn it to whichever media you canboot your PC from other than hard drive.
Packages for CD-ROM, USB key, and floppy are available. Once started, Memtest86+ will run exhaustive tests on your RAM to determine wether any errors exist. -dpa

Intro for Chapter 11

Chapter 11, Title 11, United States Code

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Redirected from Chapter 11)

Chapter 11 is a chapter of the United States Bankruptcy Code, which permits reorganization under the bankruptcy laws of the United States. Chapter 11 bankruptcy is available to anybusiness, whether organized as a corporation or sole proprietorship, and to individuals, although it is most prominently used by corporate entities. In contrast, Chapter 7 governs the process of a liquidation bankruptcy, while Chapter 13 provides a reorganization process for the majority of private individuals with unsecured debts of less than $336,900.00 and secured debts of less than $1,010,650.00 as of April 1, 2007.[edit]


When a business is unable to service its debt or pay its creditors, the business or its creditors can file with a federal bankruptcy court for protection under either Chapter 7 or Chapter 11. In Chapter 7, the business ceases operations and a trustee sells all of its assets and distributes the proceeds to its creditors. In Chapter 11, in most instances the debtor remains in control of its business operations as a "debtor in possession", and is subject to the oversight and jurisdiction of the court.[1] The court can grant complete or partial relief from most of the company's debts and its contracts. Sometimes, if the business's debts exceed its assets, then at the completion of bankruptcy the company's owners all end up without anything; all their rights and interests are ended and the company's creditors are left with ownership of the newly reorganized company.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Opt for better image organisers

MOST digital cameras come with a CD of their own programs, but you can usually do better by setting that aside. Why? Your computer should recognize the camera when you plug it in without needing any extra software, and you can usually find better applications to organise and edit pictures than what's waiting on that disc.
That Particularly true on a Mac, where Apple's iPhoto outclasses pretty much everything else for consumer use. In Windows XP, try Google's free Picasa (; in Windows Vista, you can stick with the Photo Gallery program included with Vista, download Picasa or try Microsoft's new, free Windows Live Photo Gallery ( which adds more editing features to Vista's built-in software. LAT-WP

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Electronic Firms News Update

Intel cuts earnings estimates

Expects to do worse that it said it might

Wednesday, 7 January 2009, 19:03

INTEL HAS CONFESSED that it expects its fourth-quarter revenue to drop by 23 per cent compared to last year - down to a measly  $8.2 billion.

The outfit blamed "further weakness in end demand and inventory reductions by its customers in the global PC supply chain".

We can't say we've noticed a drop in demand for ends around these parts but the chip-making monolith says it'll also make less profit that it previously said it would, so shareholders will be grumbling.

The preliminary estimate of gross margin for the fourth quarter is at the bottom of the previous expectation of 55 per cent, plus or minus a couple of points, the firm said.

The firm also said it  "will impair the value of its investment" in Clearwire, resulting in a non-cash charge to fourth-quarter earnings of approximately $950 million.

This means it'll make between $1.1 billion and $1.2 billion loss in its investments compared with a previous expectation of a loss of approximately $50 million.

The firm has cut R&D spending a bit it said, but things are still looking a bit sticky. Imagine if it had some proper competition.

Intel shares were down around four per cent when we last checked.








 2009-01-07 21:14

(美国纽约)依据非官方职员网站IBM employee.com指出,美国科技业巨人IBM 1月可能宣佈裁员消息,规模恐高达16000人,相当於全球总人力的4%










飛索美光財務告急 衝擊我業者





2008.12.31 03:09 am


金融海嘯效應大舉衝擊國際半導體大廠的營運資金周轉,外電傳出,全球最大NOR Flash(編碼型快閃記憶體)製造廠飛索(Spnaion遭銀行團抽銀根,放款授信額度大減七成;另外,美國DRAM大廠美光(Micron)也傳出首季現金部位大減,引發華爾街分析師與國內業者的高度關注。






外電報導,飛索是在29日交給美國證券管理委員會(SEC的文件中宣布,美國銀行(Bank of America與其他金融機構決定降低先前提供飛索的放款額度,由先前最多1.75億美元下修至最多4,500萬美元。此外,放款條件也增列飛索必須達成最低現金部位、稅前息前折舊攤銷前盈餘(EBITDA)限度。





2008/12/31 經濟日報】